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Raul Ritter

A member registered Jul 02, 2022

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По длительности игра на сколько рассчитана?

No. All the problems I voiced are still in version 3.30

(1 edit)

1) In version 3.20 there are still problems with H265 and AV1 codec: when outputting with any settings black frames appear either every other frame or all the time.

2) In the block "png configuration" does not work correctly either:

0 - no compression, everything is ok

1-9 - compression is almost the same, both in CRC frames and processing time.

3) In the block "Animation options" when selecting the option "smooth interpolation" on the output some frames are lost, i.e.:

Original number of frames - 104, interpolation x4

If you select the option, the output frames will be 317 frames.

If not selected, the correct 416 frames will be output.

4) Of the new features, I would really like to add the ability to change the codec settings. One change of CRF is not enough.

At the moment, for good quality video, I have to export a sequence of .png frames, and only then through ffmpeg to assemble from the frames of the video with the desired settings. This takes a lot of time and space on HDD, compared to if I immediately rendered video with the right settings in RIFE. 

If there is any way to change quality settings for H265 besides CRF in version 3.20 - please write it down.